January 2

How to Attract and Keep More Clients Through Congruence

Business success comes from more than your products or expertise—it also comes from the mission, values, and energy that your business emanates.

When it comes to the professionals we hire or the stores where we shop for personal needs, we tend to prefer to give our time, money, and business to companies and people who make us feel good. Whether it’s our hairstylist or our grocery store, we prefer to do business with people and places that feel inherently “right” to us, and there’s an energetic reason for what feels “right” and what doesn’t.

In this blog, we explore how energetic congruence between you and your business can help you attract quality clients and customers, and lead to greater satisfaction in your life as an entrepreneur.

What it Means to be in Congruence

Being in congruence with your business refers to the harmony between your personal values, professional identity, and the services you provide. It's about being authentic, transparent, and aligned with the principles that drive your work. It means practicing what your business preaches.

For example, if you run an interior design business that centers on minimalism, do you practice minimalism in your own life or is your home full of clutter? If you operate an advertising firm that helps your clients communicate clearly through their ads, do you follow your own advice in your company’s internal communications?

eing in congruence with your business means that you authentically believe in the processes and services that you offer your clients and use the same methods, philosophies, and services in your personal and business life.

When you’re in congruence with your business, you’ll have the ability to anticipate how your clients will feel at different points throughout your service process, enabling you to predict and respond to your client’s needs before they even know what they are. You’ll be able to speak from your own experience about the benefits of the service that you’re selling, rather than simply being the “salesperson.”

If you like your services (and you should!), you’ll emit authentic positive energy that your clients will automatically detect and internalize. By contrast, if you preach the benefits of your services but don’t follow your business philosophy in your own life, the energy you give off when talking about your services will feel inauthentic, or “off” to your clients.

Authenticity is a Magnet

In today’s world, clients and customers are increasingly drawn to authenticity. When you can authentically speak about your business, it creates a magnetic force that attracts clients who resonate with your values, your services, and your brand, ultimately bringing you higher-quality clients and stronger client relationships.

Expressing authenticity goes beyond showcasing expertise; it involves sharing your story, motivations, and the underlying principles that guide you and your company. Be genuine in presenting what you believe in as a business professional through your website, social media presence, and client interactions.

When customers feel authenticity in your communications, they are more likely to choose your services over competitors who may not convey the same level of openness.

Expand Congruence to Your Whole Company

Personally being in congruence with your business is essential, but don’t let it end there. Congruence within your entire business will create more widely felt authentic energy for your clients. Hire team members who believe in the philosophy of your business and continue to train and mentor them on your services and the values they provide.

Offer your team members a chance to try out your services – whether you offer them a free service, a discounted rate, or simply a closer look into the different roles in your company and how they all work together toward your company’s common goal.  

You also want to embody your values in your internal communication and team interactions. When your organization is not operating internally in alignment with its brand values or mission, employees may experience a lack of trust in leadership and become disengaged. This disengagement can be toxic for your organization and impact staff turnover and productivity, and negatively impact the energy of customer-facing teams.

A cohesive team that shares a collective vision and is in congruence with your business’s values and services enhances the overall client experience and contributes to an authentic energy that feels “right.”

Bringing You and Your Business Into Congruence

When it’s essential to keep a step ahead of your competition, congruence emerges as a powerful force that not only attracts clients but also sustains long-term satisfaction in your business. Authenticity, philosophical alignment, and a well-defined professional and personal identity contribute to the magnetic appeal of your company, drawing in clients who resonate with your values and who are a joy to serve.

If you want to elevate your business systems and your business congruence, give us a call. We can make sure your business stands on a strong foundation of Legal, Insurance, Financial, and Tax systems, and help your business generate the kind of authentic energy that attracts life-long clients.

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute call to learn more.  Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of Debbie Babb Law. We don’t just draft documents. We ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

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